So I'm claiming that sliced images is the best thing since sliced bread. Well if I recall correctly, the image I used as an example in yesterday's post actually has an asteroid streak in it. (In fact, it has the only decent streak I have yet acquired, but we'll get to that later.)
So -- what effect did this slicing process have on that streak.
Let's zoom in.
The streak is there, but the central part of it is too bright for this image, and has been blacked out.
That's good news! The brightness of Tantalus when I took that image -- the 'apparent magnitude' -- was 17.62. I want to be able to see streaks that are much dimmer than that, and this result suggests that dimmer streaks might work very well.
And there's a way we can estimate how dim we might have been able to go with this telescope, on that night. We can simulate our own streak, in this very image.
The Streak Simulator
I haven't told you about how I do this software yet, and -- I probably won't. It's not terrifically interesting, compared to pictures of rocks in the sky.OK, I'll make it quick. I write my image processing software in C, on a Fedora 20 system with a GCC compiler. I write it all from the ground up, using no ancillary image processing libraries. I like it that way. Programming the bare metal.
I use the tool-building philosophy of all intelligent programmers: make simple tools that do a single job well, and combine them together with a scripting language. Bash, actually. (Until recently I used csh, which means that I got started doing this stuff when the universe was quite a bit less red-shifted than it is now.)
So -- the streak simulator is a program I wrote recently. You tell it how much total energy you want it to deposit on the image, where the x,y start point is, what the direction of travel is, how far it should go, and how many seconds that should take.
The program then moves its idea of where the asteroid is in tenth-second increments, at every moment doling out its increment of energy in a randomly-chosen direction, and at a random (normally-distributed) distance from the asteroid's 'true' position.
It's not perfect, but it's pretty close. Here is what it did when I used it to try emulating the real streak that Tantalus made in my image. (The simulated streak is just to the right of the real streak, and I made the simulated one perfectly vertical.
That looks pretty good! Except I had to put 45,000 grayvalues of brightness into it, when the real streak only used 31,000. Hmm. And it's still a little scrawnier-looking than the real one. Hmm.
So, I don't know how good a model this really is, but just in case it is predictive, here's what it predicts:
If that is really what a mag 19 streak looks like, I think I can detect that like falling off a log. And this is with a 20" telescope! Through, I have access to a 27" that collects twice as much light. With that, I might hope for mag 20, or better!
But! Simulation is one thing. Ground-truthed (so to speak) data is another.
What I really need now is more images of known rocks, at known brightnesses.